CrossCode Wiki

This page is a list of the Legs-type Items in CrossCode.

Items[ | ]

Name and Description Properties and Uses How to Find
Starting Equipment. Let the Adventure begin!
HP-Icon MAXHP +10
Def-Icon DEF +1
Foc-Icon FOC +1
  • Sell for 2 credits
Comfortable boots for comfortable terrain.
HP-Icon MAXHP +35
Def-Icon DEF +1
Foc-Icon FOC +3
  • Sell for 50 credits
LV09Bronze BootsBronze Boots
Durable footwear made from durable material. Nothing special but keeps thorns out.
HP-Icon MAXHP +60
Def-Icon DEF +2
Foc-Icon FOC +4
  • Sell for 425 credits
LV11Rusty AnchorsRusty Anchors
Heavy boots with additional weight. Reinforces the stability of whoever wears them.
HP-Icon MAXHP +65
Def-Icon DEF +7
Icon-Modifier-Iron-Stance Iron Stance +5%
  • Sell for 865 credits
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV11Rusty AnchorsRusty Anchors

Junk MetalJunk Metal × 2 Season ApplesSeason Apples × 4 Metal NeedlesMetal Needles × 2 CreditIcon 1730 Credits

Loc-Icon Rookie Harbor Marketplace
LV11Fleety SandalsFleety Sandals
Comfortable sandals which offer little protection but grant a liberating feeling.
HP-Icon MAXHP +42
Def-Icon DEF +2
Foc-Icon FOC +7
Icon-Modifier-Legwork Legwork +25%
  • Sell for 835 credits
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV11Fleety SandalsFleety Sandals

Autumn LeavesAutumn Leaves × 14 Azure DragonflyAzure Dragonfly × 2 CreditIcon 1670 Credits

Loc-Icon Rookie Harbor Marketplace
LV15Bull StompersBull Stompers
Shaped like a bull's hooves. Infuses their wearer with obstinacy.
HP-Icon MAXHP +95
Atk-Icon ATK +4
Def-Icon DEF +9
Icon-Modifier-Bullseye Bullseye -25%
Icon-Modifier-Iron-Stance Iron Stance +5%
  • Sell for 1785 credits
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV15Bull StompersBull Stompers

Bovine SkinBovine Skin × 5 Junk MetalJunk Metal × 6 Bear CicadaBear Cicada × 3 CreditIcon 3570 Credits

Loc-Icon Rookie Harbor Marketplace
LV17Feline PawsFeline Paws
Symbolize agility, surefootedness and a weakness for moving lights.
HP-Icon MAXHP +69
Atk-Icon ATK +2
Def-Icon DEF +2
Foc-Icon FOC +9
Icon-Modifier-Bullseye Bullseye +25%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +25%
  • Sell for 2100 credits
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV17Feline PawsFeline Paws

Metal NeedlesMetal Needles × 13 Bovine SkinBovine Skin × 3 Twilight DewTwilight Dew × 9 Bear CicadaBear Cicada × 7 CreditIcon 4200 Credits

Loc-Icon Rookie Harbor Marketplace
LV17Feline PawsFeline Paws

Fluffy FurFluffy Fur × 7 Metal NeedlesMetal Needles × 10 Feather LeafFeather Leaf × 9 Diabolic HornsDiabolic Horns × 2 CreditIcon 4200 Credits

Loc-Icon Bergen Village Trader's Den
LV18Iron BootsIron Boots
Well-crafted footgear that ensures both mobility and safe feet.
HP-Icon MAXHP +135
Def-Icon DEF +4
Foc-Icon FOC +9
  • Sell for 2350 credits
  • Sold by Rookie Harbor equipment shop for 4700 credits (after reaching Bergen Village)
  • Sold by Bergen Village equipment shop for 4700 credits
  • Sold by Ba'kii Kum equipment shop for 4700 credits
High boots with spiked soles. Useful on slippery ground.
HP-Icon MAXHP +155
Def-Icon DEF +9
Foc-Icon FOC +4
Icon-Resist-Cold Cold Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Iron-Stance Iron Stance +5%
Icon-Modifier-Ice-Skater Ice Skater
  • Sell for 2555 credits
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Trade Offers

Metal NeedlesMetal Needles × 10 Purple Ore LumpPurple Ore Lump × 10 Winter ThornWinter Thorn × 5 Refined MetalRefined Metal × 5 CreditIcon 5110 Credits

Loc-Icon Bergen Village Trader's Den
LV20Wooly SocksWooly Socks
Soft and warming socks, hand-knitted from healthy goat-wool by very patient monks.
HP-Icon MAXHP +199
Def-Icon DEF +3
Foc-Icon FOC +7
Icon-Resist-Cold Cold Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-HP-Regen HP Regen +18%
Icon-Modifier-Status-Mend Status Mend +35%
  • Sell for 2993 credits
LV24Desert SandalsDesert Sandals
Can't be made without Sand, so they're obviously ideal for the desert.
HP-Icon MAXHP +177
Def-Icon DEF +4
Foc-Icon FOC +19
Icon-Modifier-Scope Scope +10%
Icon-Modifier-Legwork Legwork +10%
  • Sell for 4525 credits
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Trade Offers
LV24Desert SandalsDesert Sandals

Feather LeafFeather Leaf × 23 Tough SandTough Sand × 21 Helix RelicHelix Relic × 9 Phoenix FeatherPhoenix Feather × 3 CreditIcon 9050 Credits

Loc-Icon Maroon Valley East Entrance
LV24Desert SandalsDesert Sandals

Tough SandTough Sand × 21 Arid LumberArid Lumber × 12 Helix RelicHelix Relic × 9 Phoenix FeatherPhoenix Feather × 3 CreditIcon 9050 Credits

Loc-Icon Ba'kii Kum Marketplace
LV25Ancient SandalsAncient Sandals
Worn out sandals, probably of Ancient origin. Still emit some residual aura.
HP-Icon MAXHP +182
Def-Icon DEF +6
Foc-Icon FOC +16
Icon-Resist-Heat Heat Resist +10%
Icon-Resist-Cold Cold Resist +10%
Icon-Resist-Shock Shock Resist +10%
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Balance Balance +20%
LV26Weird SkatesWeird Skates
Footwear with some mysterious, thus unrealized power.
HP-Icon MAXHP +169
Def-Icon DEF +6
Foc-Icon FOC +22
Icon-Resist-Cold Cold Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Momentum Momentum +5%
Icon-Modifier-Extra-Dash Extra Dash
  • Cannot be sold
LV27Steel BootsSteel Boots
Very robust but still as light as possible. Even blisters are a rare occurrence.
HP-Icon MAXHP +245
Def-Icon DEF +8
Foc-Icon FOC +15
LV28Curly SlippersCurly Slippers
Amazingly soft and comfortable footwear that somehow also manages to be curly.
HP-Icon MAXHP +299
Def-Icon DEF +5
Foc-Icon FOC +15
Icon-Modifier-Bulk-Calibre Bulk Calibre +15%
Icon-Modifier-HP-Regen HP Regen +15%
  • Sell for 8985 credits
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Trade Offers
LV28Curly SlippersCurly Slippers

Old BonesOld Bones × 19 Cactone FruitCactone Fruit × 14 Maroon ChestnutMaroon Chestnut × 4 Phoenix FeatherPhoenix Feather × 5 CreditIcon 17970 Credits

Loc-Icon Ba'kii Kum Marketplace
LV29Lavish AnchorsLavish Anchors
Heavy boots with extravagant decorations. Reinforce both stance and self-esteem.
HP-Icon MAXHP +264
Def-Icon DEF +23
Foc-Icon FOC +3
Icon-Modifier-Iron-Stance Iron Stance +5%
  • Sell for 9955 credits
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Trade Offers
LV29Lavish AnchorsLavish Anchors

Refined MetalRefined Metal × 9 Old BonesOld Bones × 17 Lucid ShardLucid Shard × 3 Hardened LiverHardened Liver × 2 CreditIcon 19910 Credits

Loc-Icon Ba'kii Kum Marketplace
LV30Carpet RunnersCarpet Runners
Feel almost alive on your feet. The soles are crafted from real magic carpets.
HP-Icon MAXHP +191
Def-Icon DEF +7
Foc-Icon FOC +28
Icon-Modifier-Legwork Legwork +25%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +25%
  • Sell for 11405 credits
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Trade Offers
LV30Carpet RunnersCarpet Runners

Crystal LeekCrystal Leek × 18 Arid LumberArid Lumber × 16 Dry FinDry Fin × 6 Butter SilkButter Silk × 4 CreditIcon 22810 Credits

Loc-Icon Ba'kii Kum Marketplace
LV34Silver BootsSilver Boots
The quality of these boots almost makes up for all the polishing they need.
HP-Icon MAXHP +365
Def-Icon DEF +11
Foc-Icon FOC +20
  • Sell for 14725 credits
Reinforced combat boots for martial artists that prefer pragmatism over honor.
HP-Icon MAXHP +256
Atk-Icon ATK +12
Def-Icon DEF +14
Foc-Icon FOC +26
Icon-Modifier-Brawler Brawler +10%
  • Sell for 16025 credits
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Trade Offers

Parched LeavesParched Leaves × 18 Crimson DragonflyCrimson Dragonfly × 3 Rainbow GemRainbow Gem × 7 Metal NeedlesMetal Needles × 5 CreditIcon 32050 Credits

Loc-Icon Rookie Harbor Falling Exit, Rookie Harbor Alley Quarters

LV27Steel BootsSteel Boots Refined MetalRefined Metal × 3 Infected CellInfected Cell × 5 FruitSalad FoodIconFruit SaladFruit Salad × 4 CreditIcon 32050 Credits


White GrainWhite Grain × 13 Crimson DragonflyCrimson Dragonfly × 2 Elder WoodElder Wood × 2 Metal NeedlesMetal Needles × 2 CreditIcon 32050 Credits

Loc-Icon Basin Keep Centrum
LV38Stable FootguardStable Footguard
They protect both the feet and lower legs. The natural foes of kicks to the shin.
HP-Icon MAXHP +420
Def-Icon DEF +28
Foc-Icon FOC +9
Icon-Modifier-Solid-Guard Solid Guard +10%
Icon-Modifier-Iron-Stance Iron Stance +5%
  • Sell for 17880 credits
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Trade Offers
LV38Stable FootguardStable Footguard

Old BonesOld Bones × 10 Wolf CicadaWolf Cicada × 3 Refined MetalRefined Metal × 4 Solid BubbleSolid Bubble × 8 CreditIcon 35760 Credits

Loc-Icon Rookie Harbor Falling Exit, Rookie Harbor Alley Quarters
LV38Stable FootguardStable Footguard

LV27Steel BootsSteel Boots Refined MetalRefined Metal × 3 Elemental DNAElemental DNA × 3 FruitSalad FoodIconFruit SaladFruit Salad × 5 CreditIcon 35760 Credits

LV38Stable FootguardStable Footguard

Common PlanterCommon Planter × 12 Wolf CicadaWolf Cicada × 2 Refined MetalRefined Metal × 2 Solid BubbleSolid Bubble × 2 CreditIcon 35760 Credits

Loc-Icon Basin Keep Centrum
LV40Boom WalkersBoom Walkers
Ideal for those who aspire to move at high velocities.
HP-Icon MAXHP +222
Atk-Icon ATK +15
Def-Icon DEF +8
Foc-Icon FOC +42
Icon-Modifier-Legwork Legwork +25%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +50%
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV40Boom WalkersBoom Walkers

Golden RingGolden Ring Dropped MicDropped Mic × 3 Crimson DragonflyCrimson Dragonfly × 5 ChiliDog FoodIconChili DogChili Dog × 6 CreditIcon 40000 Credits

Loc-Icon Rookie Harbor Marketplace
LV42Titan BootsTitan Boots
While extremely robust, they are not actually made for titans, so they will fit just fine.
HP-Icon MAXHP +480
Def-Icon DEF +19
Foc-Icon FOC +28
  • Sell for 23375 credits
Solid boots, made to explore even the deepest part of an unknown world.
HP-Icon MAXHP +555
Def-Icon DEF +19
Foc-Icon FOC +30
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Status-Mend Status Mend +35%
  • Sell for 25680 credits
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Trade Offers

Curly FarnCurly Farn × 24 Wolf CicadaWolf Cicada × 6 Moon FruitMoon Fruit × 3 Palette BlossomPalette Blossom × 5 CreditIcon 51360 Credits

Loc-Icon Basin Keep Centrum
LV46Urban SneakersUrban Sneakers
Classy looking shoes of the highest quality and extremely comfy to boot!
HP-Icon MAXHP +529
Def-Icon DEF +17
Foc-Icon FOC +38
Icon-Modifier-X-Counter X Counter +15%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +25%
  • Sell for 27655 credits
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Trade Offers
LV46Urban SneakersUrban Sneakers

Exotic ResinExotic Resin × 21 Virus RootVirus Root × 9 Slime DropSlime Drop × 8 Plain CubePlain Cube × 2 CreditIcon 55311 Credits

Loc-Icon Basin Keep Centrum
LV47Hydraulic AnchorsHydraulic Anchors
Heavy boots that are still very mobile thanks to internal hydraulics.
HP-Icon MAXHP +444
Def-Icon DEF +44
Foc-Icon FOC +22
Icon-Modifier-Legwork Legwork +10%
Icon-Modifier-Iron-Stance Iron Stance +5%
  • Sell for 29730 credits
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Trade Offers
LV47Hydraulic AnchorsHydraulic Anchors

Venom ShroomVenom Shroom × 42 Steel CombSteel Comb × 30 Glow PearGlow Pear × 8 Living BoltLiving Bolt × 4 CreditIcon 59460 Credits

Loc-Icon Basin Keep Centrum
LV50Cobalt BootsCobalt Boots
These extravagant boots prevent tripping by shining blue with every step.
HP-Icon MAXHP +627
Def-Icon DEF +26
Foc-Icon FOC +37
  • Sell for 35675 credits
LV52Trench BootsTrench Boots
Robust footwear that somehow stimulates tense concentration.
HP-Icon MAXHP +500
Atk-Icon ATK +13
Def-Icon DEF +10
Foc-Icon FOC +60
Icon-Modifier-Bulk-Calibre Bulk Calibre +30%
Icon-Modifier-Bullseye Bullseye +30%
Icon-Modifier-SP-Regen SP Regen -20%
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV52Trench BootsTrench Boots

Turret TokensTurret Tokens × 33 CreditIcon 77777 Credits

Loc-Icon Gaia's Garden Grubby Cave (after completing the Turret Defense quest, Zir'vitar Temple, and So'najiz Temple), Gaia's Garden Temple of Innovation (after the An Original Idea quest)
Footwear sewn together from some of the sturdiest plants of nature.
HP-Icon MAXHP +777
Def-Icon DEF +26
Foc-Icon FOC +42
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +25%
Icon-Modifier-Status-Mend Status Mend +35%
  • Sell for 41500 credits
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Trade Offers

Pink PetalPink Petal × 12 Steel BambooSteel Bamboo × 6 Sticky WebSticky Web × 4 Power SpinachPower Spinach × 3 CreditIcon 83000 Credits

Loc-Icon Sapphire Ridge Cave Inn Mall
LV56Brave AnchorsBrave Anchors
Heavy boots worn by warriors that conquered their fear and embraced the danger.
HP-Icon MAXHP +601
Def-Icon DEF +60
Foc-Icon FOC +30
Icon-Modifier-X-Counter X Counter +15%
Icon-Modifier-Iron-Stance Iron Stance +5%
  • Sell for 43500 credits
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV56Brave AnchorsBrave Anchors

Blue GrassBlue Grass × 22 Cobalt CrystalCobalt Crystal × 8 Mystery GrapeMystery Grape × 8 Samurai ShellSamurai Shell × 2 CreditIcon 87000 Credits

Loc-Icon Sapphire Ridge Cave Inn Mall
LV58Lead BootsLead Boots
Heavy Boots which are often used during windy days.
HP-Icon MAXHP +666
Atk-Icon ATK +6
Def-Icon DEF +56
Foc-Icon FOC +31
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step -15%
Icon-Modifier-SP-Regen SP Regen +15%
Icon-Modifier-Leaf-Bracer Leaf Bracer
  • Cannot be sold
LV59Laser BootsLaser Boots
These shiny boots keep your feet as indestructible as the bridges they walk on!
HP-Icon MAXHP +826
Def-Icon DEF +34
Foc-Icon FOC +48
  • Sell for 52375 credits
LV60Lunatic PawsLunatic Paws
Foxy footwear that seems to constantly be at odds with the fabric of the universe.
HP-Icon MAXHP +372
Atk-Icon ATK +35
Def-Icon DEF +20
Foc-Icon FOC +75
Icon-Modifier-Momentum Momentum +15%
Icon-Modifier-Extra-Dash Extra Dash
Icon-Modifier-Solid-Guard Solid Guard -30%
LV61Unicorn GreavesUnicorn Greaves
Based on a mythical beast, these boots grant inhuman speed and endurance.
HP-Icon MAXHP +636
Def-Icon DEF +25
Foc-Icon FOC +85
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +30%
Icon-Modifier-Extra-Dash Extra Dash
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV61Unicorn GreavesUnicorn Greaves

Antique TokenAntique Token Epic MetalEpic Metal × 2 Spice SetSpice Set × 7 Living BoltLiving Bolt CreditIcon 100000 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 1F
LV62Old GetaOld Geta
Old and worn clogs with an elevated wood base.
HP-Icon MAXHP +900
Atk-Icon ATK +2
Def-Icon DEF +45
Foc-Icon FOC +50
Icon-Resist-Cold Cold Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Nimble-Feet Nimble Feet
  • Cannot be sold
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Trade Offers
LV62Old GetaOld Geta

Geta WoodGeta Wood Geta StrapsGeta Straps Geta GlueGeta Glue Twilight ShardTwilight Shard CreditIcon 10101 Credits

Loc-Icon Sapphire Ridge Cave Inn 1F (Old BlueprintOld Blueprint necessary)
LV62Deadly DancersDeadly Dancers
Elegant shoes favored by agile gunslingers. Allow for fast movement in firefights.
HP-Icon MAXHP +808
Atk-Icon ATK +13
Def-Icon DEF +20
Foc-Icon FOC +65
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Legwork Legwork +25%
Icon-Modifier-Shooter Shooter +10%
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV62Deadly DancersDeadly Dancers

DiamondDiamond × 4 Azure DragonflyAzure Dragonfly × 8 Star FruitStar Fruit × 7 Perforated TophatPerforated Tophat × 3 CreditIcon 111111 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 1F
LV63Praetorian AnchorsPraetorian Anchors
Heavy boots used by high-class bodyguards that allow no passing nor harm.
HP-Icon MAXHP +731
Def-Icon DEF +73
Foc-Icon FOC +36
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Iron-Stance Iron Stance +5%
Icon-Modifier-SP-Regen SP Regen +10%
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV63Praetorian AnchorsPraetorian Anchors

GarnetGarnet × 5 Steel BambooSteel Bamboo × 8 Bear CicadaBear Cicada × 8 Plain CubePlain Cube × 2 CreditIcon 115700 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 1F
Almost weightless boots that are often used by skilled agents, only known from stories.
HP-Icon MAXHP +888
Def-Icon DEF +18
Foc-Icon FOC +80
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +35%
Icon-Modifier-Status-Rush Status Rush +20%
  • Trade
Trade Offers

MoonstoneMoonstone × 4 CitrineCitrine × 3 Mystery GrapeMystery Grape × 8 Static FurballStatic Furball × 6 CreditIcon 119700 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 1F
LV65Combat SkatesCombat Skates
Skates that have been sharpened to a vicious edge. Be deadly on ice!
HP-Icon MAXHP +864
Atk-Icon ATK +15
Def-Icon DEF +25
Foc-Icon FOC +65
Icon-Resist-Cold Cold Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Brawler Brawler +10%
Icon-Modifier-Ice-Skater Ice Skater
Created by masterful craftsmen, this curious device helps to achieve a healthy posture.
HP-Icon MAXHP +1111
Def-Icon DEF +33
Foc-Icon FOC +47
Icon-Modifier-Extra-Dash Extra Dash -1
Icon-Modifier-HP-Regen HP Regen +25%
Icon-Modifier-SP-Regen SP Regen +35%
LV66Artillery BootsArtillery Boots
Highly-advanced footwear that magnifies one's power at the cost of quicker exhaustion.
HP-Icon MAXHP +737
Atk-Icon ATK +20
Def-Icon DEF +15
Foc-Icon FOC +88
Icon-Modifier-Bulk-Calibre Bulk Calibre +50%
Icon-Modifier-Bullseye Bullseye +35%
Icon-Modifier-SP-Regen SP Regen -20%
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LV66Artillery BootsArtillery Boots

LV52Trench BootsTrench Boots Turret TokensTurret Tokens × 27 Epic MetalEpic Metal × 2 HoverpadHoverpad × 2 CreditIcon 123321 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 1F

DLC Items[ | ]

These items require the A New Home DLC to obtain.

Most of the DLC equipment are Ascended, meaning that their core Stats (MaxHP, ATK, DEF and FOC) scale with the player's level. The stats given here are for a player at level 75.

Name and Description Properties and Uses How to Find
LVL↑Cross BootsCross Boots
The finest boots you could have for crossing dangerous lands!
HP-Icon MAXHP +1224
Def-Icon DEF +52
Foc-Icon FOC +70
  • Sell for 75000 credits
LVL↑Pegasus GreavesPegasus Greaves
Based on a mythical beast, these boots grant inhuman speed and endurance.
HP-Icon MAXHP +904
Def-Icon DEF +35
Foc-Icon FOC +120
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +35%
Icon-Modifier-Extra-Dash Extra Dash
  • Sell for 1 credit
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Trade Offers
LVL↑Pegasus GreavesPegasus Greaves

LV61Unicorn GreavesUnicorn Greaves Antique TokenAntique Token × 3 Coral PieceCoral Piece × 15 Worm BandWorm Band × 4 CreditIcon 169696 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 2F
LVL↑Deadly Dancers+Deadly Dancers+
Elegant shoes favored by agile gunslingers. Allow for fast movement in firefights.
HP-Icon MAXHP +1099
Atk-Icon ATK +19
Def-Icon DEF +27
Foc-Icon FOC +89
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Legwork Legwork +25%
Icon-Modifier-Shooter Shooter +10%
  • Sell for 87500 credits
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LVL↑Deadly Dancers+Deadly Dancers+

LV62Deadly DancersDeadly Dancers DiamondDiamond × 10 Strange ShardStrange Shard × 21 Worm BandWorm Band × 6 CreditIcon 175000 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 2F
LVL↑Praetorian Anchors+Praetorian Anchors+
Heavy boots used by high-class bodyguards that allow no passing nor harm.
HP-Icon MAXHP +991
Def-Icon DEF +98
Foc-Icon FOC +48
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Iron-Stance Iron Stance +5%
Icon-Modifier-SP-Regen SP Regen +20%
  • Sell for 87500 credits
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LVL↑Praetorian Anchors+Praetorian Anchors+

LV63Praetorian AnchorsPraetorian Anchors GarnetGarnet × 10 Yellow SpongeYellow Sponge × 18 Focus ShardFocus Shard × 10 CreditIcon 175000 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 2F
Almost weightless - often used by skilled agents, only known from stories.
HP-Icon MAXHP +1167
Def-Icon DEF +23
Foc-Icon FOC +106
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +35%
Icon-Modifier-Status-Rush Status Rush +20%
  • Sell for 87500 credits
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Trade Offers

LV64MistwalkersMistwalkers MoonstoneMoonstone × 10 Mellow WaterMellow Water × 13 Burned AshBurned Ash × 4 CreditIcon 175000 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 2F
LVL↑Combat Skates+Combat Skates+
Skates that have been sharpened to a vicious edge. Be deadly on ice!
HP-Icon MAXHP +1105
Atk-Icon ATK +19
Def-Icon DEF +33
Foc-Icon FOC +84
Icon-Resist-Cold Cold Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Brawler Brawler +10%
Icon-Modifier-Ice-Skater Ice Skater
  • Cannot be sold
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Trade Offers
LVL↑Combat Skates+Combat Skates+

LV65Combat SkatesCombat Skates Skate SphereSkate Sphere Focus ShardFocus Shard × 7 Epic MetalEpic Metal × 2 CreditIcon 155000 Credits

Created by masterful craftsmen, helps to achieve a healthy posture.
HP-Icon MAXHP +1430
Def-Icon DEF +42
Foc-Icon FOC +60
Icon-Modifier-Extra-Dash Extra Dash -1
Icon-Modifier-HP-Regen HP Regen +25%
Icon-Modifier-SP-Regen SP Regen +35%
  • Cannot be sold
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Trade Offers

LV65PaedalosPaedalos Roller SphereRoller Sphere Focus ShardFocus Shard × 7 Epic MetalEpic Metal × 2 CreditIcon 155000 Credits

LVL↑Lunatic Paws UwULunatic Paws UwU
Upgraded glitch-affinity through a refined "Ultrawatt Unit"-system.
HP-Icon MAXHP +542
Atk-Icon ATK +53
Def-Icon DEF +27
Foc-Icon FOC +111
Icon-Modifier-Momentum Momentum +15%
Icon-Modifier-Extra-Dash Extra Dash
Icon-Modifier-Solid-Guard Solid Guard -30%
  • Cannot be sold
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Trade Offers
LVL↑Lunatic Paws UwULunatic Paws UwU

LV60Lunatic PawsLunatic Paws Ultra Secret NoteUltra Secret Note Burned AshBurned Ash × 4 FoxSake ItemIconFox SakeFox Sake × 7 CreditIcon 169420 Credits

Loc-Icon Maroon Valley Testing Area (after defeating DON'T USE THIS in the Arena)
LVL↑Artillery Boots+Artillery Boots+
Highly-advanced footwear, magnifying one's power at the cost of quicker exhaustion.
HP-Icon MAXHP +916
Atk-Icon ATK +25
Def-Icon DEF +19
Foc-Icon FOC +110
Icon-Modifier-Bulk-Calibre Bulk Calibre +50%
Icon-Modifier-Bullseye Bullseye +35%
Icon-Modifier-SP-Regen SP Regen -20%
  • Sell for 100000 credits
  • Trade
Trade Offers
LVL↑Artillery Boots+Artillery Boots+

LV66Artillery BootsArtillery Boots Turret TokensTurret Tokens × 34 Mellow WaterMellow Water × 15 Barrel BeakBarrel Beak × 7 CreditIcon 180000 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 2F
LVL↑Speedy Boom BootsSpeedy Boom Boots
Ideal for those who aspire to move at very high velocities.
HP-Icon MAXHP +631
Atk-Icon ATK +42
Def-Icon DEF +22
Foc-Icon FOC +119
Icon-Modifier-Legwork Legwork +35%
Icon-Modifier-Flash-Step Flash Step +75%
  • Cannot be sold
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Trade Offers
LVL↑Speedy Boom BootsSpeedy Boom Boots

LV40Boom WalkersBoom Walkers Light GemLight Gem Salty GrassSalty Grass × 11 Rumble HiveRumble Hive × 3 CreditIcon 225000 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 2F
Made to walk stylishly in any direction, angle and gravity.
HP-Icon MAXHP +1109
Def-Icon DEF +36
Foc-Icon FOC +98
Icon-Resist-Heat Heat Resist +10%
Icon-Resist-Cold Cold Resist +10%
Icon-Resist-Shock Shock Resist +10%
Icon-Resist-Wave Wave Resist +10%
Icon-Modifier-Balance Balance +30%
Icon-Modifier-Status-Mend Status Mend +35%
  • Cannot be sold
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Trade Offers

Moon ChunkMoon Chunk Lapis LazuliLapis Lazuli × 9 Salty GrassSalty Grass × 8 Worm BandWorm Band × 5 CreditIcon 250000 Credits

Loc-Icon Rhombus Square Gear Store 2F

Removed Items[ | ]

These items could be found in older versions of the game, but are not obtainable in the current version.

Name and Description Properties and Uses Notes
LV13Sparkly Boots (Legs)Sparkly Boots (Legs)
They will make you sparkle with every step. Literally.
HP-Icon MAXHP +50
Def-Icon DEF +4
Foc-Icon FOC +8
  • Cannot be sold.

The Sparkly BootsSparkly Boots were originally footwear with an associated particle effect. With the addition of the Add-On system in version 1.0.0, they were converted to an Add-On so that the effect could remain active while using other footwear.

LV48Holiday Boots (Legs)Holiday Boots (Legs)
Take out the presents before putting in feet!
HP-Icon MAXHP +500
Def-Icon DEF +27
Foc-Icon FOC +37
Icon-Modifier-Keeper Keeper +10%
Icon-Modifier-Item-Booster Item Booster +10%
  • Cannot be sold.

The Holiday BootsHoliday Boots were originally footwear with an associated particle effect. With the addition of the Add-On system in version 1.0.0, they were converted to an Add-On so that the effect could remain active while using other footwear.
